2012 / 2013
Daavision, Oss (NL): Field studies about effectiveness of acids and acid combinations for controlling of Salmonella-prelavence within pig stocks.
Daavision, Oss (NL): Field studies about effectiveness of acids and acid combinations for controlling of Salmonella-prelavence within pig stocks.
Goldswien, Minden: Health-monitoring programmes for pig breeding farms, reproduction farms and fattening farms; consultancy to farms with health problems.
Topigs-Norsvin, Senden: Specialist supervision for pig breeding and reproduction farms; training lectures; consultancy to livestock farming with health problems; health-monitoring programmes
Bioscreen, Hannover: Maintenance and extension of monitoring systems for pig and piglet health, testing of diagnostic methods.
Bela-pharm, Vechta: Lectures for farmers and veterinarians, joint field studies about the efficiency of drugs (Westfleisch).
Boehringer vet-medica, Ingelheim: Lectures for farmers and veterinarians about pig health, vaccinations, abattoir-technology, slaughter findings and their causes; field studies about the efficiancy of pharmacological substances – pigs and poultry.
Expert opinions for courts, insurance companies and other enterprises
Consultancy to Russian large scale pig production companies in strategic planning, genetics and production
Restructure of a large scale East German pig production and agricultural company
Development of pig breeding programs for German companies and cooperatives