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Landwirtschaftliche Unternehmungen werden immer komplexer – einfache Lösungen sind oftmals nicht möglich. Stehen richtungsweisende Entscheidungen an, muss das Unternehmen heute gesamtheitlich betrachtet, analysiert und entwickelt werden.

Das ist unser Ansatz.

In haben sich erfahrenste Berater aller Teilbereiche der Veredelungsindustrie zusammengefunden. Von der Strategieentwicklung über die Genehmigungsverfahren bis hin zu Realisierung mit betriebswirtschaftlicher, produktionstechnischer, genetischer und gesundheitlicher Begleitung bietet eine umfassende und kompetente Beratung aus einer Hand – mit  anerkannten und kompetenten Fachleuten in jeder Stufe – den vorgelagerten Bereichen, dem Betrieb und den nachgelagerten Bereichen.

Our network will work up your projects to success !

Agricultural enterprises have become more and more complex, simple solutions are not enough. When landmark decisions have to be lined up, the enterprise must be viewed, analized and developed over all performance.

 This is our concept.

In experienced consultants for all sections of modern livestock and the processing industry have come together. From strategy development through approval procedures up to realization with business management, production engineering, genetic and health monitoring offers a comprehensive expert advice. Everything from one source with recognized and competent professionals at each stage – the pre production areas, the farm and the post production areas.


  • From November 28 to 29 2017, the Henan Breeding Summit Forum in Henan Province was held in Zhengzhou to further promote the innovation of breeding pigs and strengthen the deep integration of production, education, and research of breeding pigs. The theme was “to promote innovation in production, learning and research, and to raise the breeding level of breeding pigs”. farm concepts hold a speach at this forum. look also on this page...

    -Henan Breeding Summit Forum
  • Pig Branch of Henan Association of Animal and Veterinary Science - hold a lecture for the indusrial partner SANO

    -15th to 17th April 2017
  • Sino-German cooperation “Developing animal production in China”; consultancy for Yifa pigfarms, Henan (CN); organization ADT Project GmbH, Bonn/ Beijing.

  • Sino-German BioEnergy Conference, Guangzhou, (CN); organization DLG Frankfurt/ Beijing, exhibitor.

  • German law for planning and running farms; environmental aspects - conference for Danish authorities, Oederquart (GER).

  • Organization Conference about air cleaners for Danish authorities, Malstedt (GER).

  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (GER) - Ministry of agriculture and of environment: Member scientific support group.

    -2000 – 2001
  • Government of Saxony (GER): Coordination/ reporting scientific working group with 12 partners/ institutes “Pig smell from 20.000 fatteners and quality of stored grain”.

    -1999 – 2000
  • EU-PHARE-Cross Border Project (DLG-Agriservice, GER): Improvement of Pork Production in Estonia; consultancy for PÄRNU SEA Farm and EKSEKO Pig Farm; technical support for family pig farms.

  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (GER)- Ministry of agriculture and of environment: Member working group “Evaluation and development of pig farming”.

    -1997 – 2001